Session 4: Untangling Feelings of Failure through Grief & Celebration

Women in Transition: Navigating the Empty Nest Season Workshop Series

Seasons of transition include elements of both grief and celebration. In this session we’ll explore how feelings of failure get tangled up in the transition process, and how we can work through them. You’ll also have an opportunity to try out our session leader’s Unleash: Heart & Soul Care Sheets for processing life’s challenges with God.

Date: Tuesday April 11, 2023

Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Location: Faith Lutheran Church

1700 St. Andrew’s Way Eldersburg MD 21784

Session Leader: Jolene Underwood. Jolene is a trauma & abuse informed therapist and growth coach. She recently moved to MD after 27 years in Texas, which began her empty nest journey. She has 5 adult children and 2 grandchildren, most of whom still reside in TX. Jolene also provides online teaching & resources (like the tool, Unleash: Heart & Soul Care Sheets and her growth community, Cultivate Together) to help weary Christians heal and grow as the person God designed them to be. You can find her online at her blog, on FacebookInstagram, and YouTube.

Topics include: dealing with difficult emotions, boundaries, cultivating connection (with self, God, and others), hearing God, processing life’s challenges and more. Subscribe to her growth-focused newsletter here.

To register for this session, please contact the church office at (410) 795-8082 or send an email to (please include “Empty Nest Session 4 Registration” in the subject line).

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