About Me

Writer. Journaling Coach. Journey Guide.

Hi! I’m Kim Schlauch (rhymes with “wow”) and I am committed to helping you find joy in your journey by sharing tools, insights, and resources for self-exploration and self-discovery.

Living through two major life crises in the span of less than a decade led me to the discovery of an amazing life-saving and life-changing gift: journaling.  Among its many benefits, journaling is an essential tool for self-therapy and self-exploration.  And on this site I am dedicated to sharing this invaluable gift with you.

Who am I?  Among my many roles in life, I am a wife, mother, encourager, friend, storyteller, lover of travel, cancer survivor, and child of God.  I hold a BacheIor’s degree in English, a Master’s degree in Applied Behavioral Science, have a professional background as a trainer, group facilitator, instructional designer, change manager , and am a Journal to the SelfⓇ Certified Instructor (more details on this coming soon).

Much more to come… stay tuned!

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